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Many people will attribute their weight loss to counting calories constantly and sticking to a specific calorie intake day in and day out, whilst there is some truth that calorie counting can be beneficial to help people lose weight, there are ways that people can achieve weight loss without counting calories all the time but rather focusing on what foods they are consuming.

If you want to lose weight without counting calories and fixating so much on the number of calories you are taking in, then today you are in luck as we will be discussing how you will still be able to stick to your diet without having to count calories.

Why Calorie Counting is Not Always Beneficial

When people focus so much on their calorie intake rather than the quality and nutrients in their food, they can get a warped view of what they need to do to make sure they are losing weight properly and at a steady pace.

If you are eating ultra-processed foods but are staying under your calories for the day, then you may think that you will still lose weight, however, you are not feeding your body properly as even if you do lose weight by having fewer calories, you are still giving your body the wrong nutrients that can cause diseases and illness down the road.

The substance of your food is really important, and good calorie-dense foods will help you greatly and stop you from getting sick and being unhealthy.

A calorie deficit will not always lead to weight loss, our bodies are more complicated than that, so if you want to reduce your body weight, gain muscle mass, and be the healthiest version of yourself, then mindful eating habits should be on your list.

How to Diet Without Counting Calories

Below we have some tips that can be used to help you still focus on losing weight without having to worry about how many calories you are taking in, and how you can still consume fewer calories without having to note down how much you are eating during the day.

Take Note of Liquid Calories

Most liquids (apart from water) will have liquid calories, and you may find that you are absorbing more calories by simply drinking juices or smoothies, and even though they are not filling, they are still adding to your daily calorie intake.

Healthier choices such as green juices and protein smoothies will still be high in calories, and in some cases, you can be consuming upwards of 300+ calories with one drink.

They do not supply much satiety and you will find that you become hungry pretty fast, or you will combine them with other foods which will not only provide you with more calories, but it can cause you to gain weight as well.

What Should You Do?

It is best to drink beverages that do not have any calories in them or choose drinks that have a low-calorie count if you still want to have them but want to be more mindful about what you are drinking.

Try water, sparkling water, tea, and coffee, just be wary of what extra you put in your tea and coffee because sugar and milk/cream will have more calories in them.

Certain types of tea and coffee contain compounds that can help suppress appetite, making it easier to control calorie consumption. Additionally, they can contribute to hydration, which is important for overall health. For instance, you can think of rooibos tea to try for a change. Not only a healthy option like this will quench your urge to drink tea but can also manage your calorie intake.

Eat Whole Foods

Whole foods filled with the right nutrients and healthy fats will ensure that your body is filled up with healthy whole foods that have all right nutrients and will not send your blood sugar up and then crash it down again.

What Foods Would Be Best?

Try eating more fruits, vegetables, seafood, whole grains, beans, lentil, and seeds to get what you need so that your calories going in are fueling your day and keeping your body healthy, helping you reduce body fat, and providing you with a substantial weight loss diet.

These foods are filling and you will be consuming very few calories, so you won’t have to worry that a small amount will send you over your daily limit.

Stay Away From Ultra Processed Foods

Processed foods have a lot of sugar and fat in them, making them very moreish and causing people to overeat as they just want more and more.

You can still eat some of these every now and then, but you should be very mindful of when you are eating them and make sure that on those days you are aware of what else you are eating.

You don’t have to get rid of them entirely, but it is important that you are not making them a habit.

Get a Good Night’s Sleep

Poor sleep can make us reach for food a lot more due to our hunger hormones telling us that we should be eating more food.

Lack of sleep can create imbalances in the body with insulin, leptin, ghrelin cortisol, and other hormones that regulate our hunger and satiety signals.

This can increase the risk of obesity, as some studies have shown, so it is important that a good night’s sleep is had to keep our bodies ticking over properly and stopping us from reaching for foods that make us “feel good”.

Inadequate sleep has been linked to decreased testosterone levels in men, which can lead to a range of problems, including reduced muscle mass, low libido, and increased body fat.

In such cases, seeking testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) may be a viable solution. Undergoing TRT Rancho Cucamonga or at a reputed clinic in your area can help restore optimal testosterone levels, addressing the underlying hormonal imbalance and potentially mitigating some of the negative effects of sleep deprivation.

How Can This Be Combated?

To make sure you get a good night’s sleep, a couple of hours before bed, put your phone away and read a book instead.

Make your room as dark as possible as well as quiet so you can wind down.

If you wake up during the night, don’t turn on the light or get up (if you don’t need to), just lay there and do some gentle deep breathing to help you get your body back into a relaxed state and ready for sleep again.

Take Control of Your Portion Sizes

By reducing your portion sizes and finding out exactly what you need on your plate for your age and weight, you can make it a lot easier for you to lose weight without counting calories for each meal.

You can be eating more than what you should be by simply piling your plate a bit too high, eating as you are preparing, or guessing the weight and size of what you are eating.

How Can You Take Control?

Look at the packet or the box and note down what the average serving size is and weigh your food to meet that requirement.

You don’t have to look at the calories, you just have to know what is recommended so that you are not going overboard and eating too much.

If you do not have a weighing scale you can actually use your hands.

  • A portion of protein – 1 palm
  • A portion of carbohydrates – 1 cupped hand
  • A portion of vegetables – 1 fist
  • A portion of fat – 1 thumb

This can help you out if you need assistance and want to take more control of your portion sizes.

Try and Exercise as Much as Possible

Getting out of the house and walking will do wonders for your body and help you burn off some calories, even if it is just a gentle stroll.

If you would prefer to do more, you can always try out intense workouts such as HIIT which you can do in the comfort of your own home, or go to a local gym to take a class.

How Does Exercise Help?

Your total daily energy expenditure, also known as TDEE, is determined by your BMR – Basal Metabolic Rate, TEF – Thermic Effect on Food, and your physical activity during the day.

Your BMR is around 70% of your total calories burned, whereas TEF will account for about 10%, and then the physical activity will take the remaining 20%, so as you can see, BMR plays a significant role.

Just making sure that you move throughout the day will help you reach your weight loss goals and will keep your body as fit as possible.

Write Down What You Do During The Day

If you are stumped as to why you are not losing weight even after changing your diet and moving, you need to take a step back and be honest with yourself.

Are you actually doing all you can or are you skirting over some areas?

You may not realize that you have been taking in excess calories, or you are not moving as much as you should – you may be lying to yourself.

We all do it from time to time, so now it is the best choice for you to honestly write down what you eat and do during the day so that you can see clearly if there is a pattern emerging and what you can do to break that.


Are you more aware of what you need to do now when you diet, and do you understand that you don’t need to keep counting calories to make a difference for yourself?

It is not easy to lose weight, it can be very difficult especially if you are so used to one way of life, but if you really want to change your habits and provide your body with everything it needs to function, then it is important to make sure that happens effectively and properly.

Emily Williams

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Hi, I’m Emily Williams

What is Arte Museos? – Some people call places like this “news blogs”, for me it’s a place where I can write freely about a variety of topics, going with the flow to my heart’s content. The art comes from that variation – It is like an art museum where I showcase information on various topics, matters and discussions. I have the freedom to display what I wish in this gallery of a website, so please look forward to it.